About Us

Agricultural Commercialisation (AGCOM) Project is a Malawi Government flagship programme for transforming smallholder agriculture from mostly subsistence to commercial. We link together Producer Organizations (POs), service providers (including research and extension) and off-takers in a value chain, in a concept known as a Productive Alliance (PA)

Our Vision
A country that is truly democratic, just, safe, secure and prosperous, in which everyone enjoys their human rights and lives a life of dignity

Our Mission
To embrace, internalize, and promote the pillars of democratic governance in a coordinated, effective, efficient, accountable and transparent manner with a view to consolidating and deepening democracy in Malawi

Our Values and Principles

  • Malawi is a constitutional state
    All legal and political authority of the State derives from the people of Malawi and rests on the Constitution and no other sources of legitimate authority are known
  • Open, accountable and transparent Government
    That the authority to exercise power of State is conditional upon the sustained trust of the people of Malawi, which trust, in turn, is maintained through open, accountable and transparent Government and informed democratic choice
  • Human rights are the foundations of both political and economic governance
    The goal of development is to create a free society in which the capabilities of all are developed; the vulnerable are protected, inclusive governance is practiced and the interests of the current generation are pursued sustainably with those of posterity
  • Decentralization of sector programming
    A key success factor in this sector strategy is the degree to which Malawians come to feel that development has happened and that their rights are protected