What We Do

The primary purpose of the DGS is to implement Priority Reform Programs through the sector institutions and agencies and to contribute significantly to strengthening democratic institutions and good governance in Malawi.

The Priority Reform Programme will focus on six outcomes, described as Key Result Areas (KRAs):

  • Key Result Area 1 - Effective Democratic Governance Sector Institutions
    Ensuring that sector institutions have the capability to plan and execute reform programs is the precondition for achieving the planned sector impact. The primary objective of this outcome is to build the capacity of sector institutions to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the legal, financial, social and operational framework in which they work; to undertake the organizational and structural change they need in order to deliver more efficient and effective services to Malawians and to leverage Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for more cost-effective communication and service delivery

  • Key Result Area 2 - Strengthened Rule of Law and Improved Access to Justice, Public Safety and Security
    The objective of this outcome is to implement and consolidate reforms that ensure that:
    • laws are binding on all, government and citizen alike
    • the independence of the judiciary and oversight institutions is recognized and protected from invasion
    • court orders are obeyed
    • justice - and not merely courts - is accessible to all and especially the poor and vulnerable
    • the legal system is open, affordable and accountable
    • an enabling environment for investment exists and
    • informal mechanisms for arbitrating disputes - including traditional justice systems - are strengthened

  • Key Result Area 3 - Improved Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
    This outcome overlaps with KRA 2 and many activities designed under that outcome at the agency level will also contribute to the achievement of this outcome. This outcome focuses on the domestication and application of international human rights in a manner that addressed both gender equity and the rights of the poor

  • Key Result Area 4 - Free and Credible Elections
    This outcome focuses on the fulfilment of the conditions for free and credible election: the impartiality of the legal framework for elections; the management of elections; the efficacy of citizen involvement; the oversight mechanisms for elections; the nature of the party system and the inclusion of the marginalized

  • Key Result Area 5 - Transparent, Accountable and Responsive Government Institutions
    This outcome focuses on service delivery, in particular on the processes that strengthen accountability; informed and participatory policy-making, budgeting, legislative process and anti-corruption activities

  • Key Result Area 6 - More effective, independent and representative legislature
    This outcome focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of parliament in performing its three core functions:
    • the representative function
    • the legislative function and
    • the oversight function
    The intermediate results under this outcome are:
    • increased legislative capacity to influence national policy including budget making
    • parliamentary committees strengthened to enable effective scrutiny and oversight functions and
    • role and access by citizens - especially women - in parliamentary functions strengthened